
Thursday, January 8, 2015


Not exactly a thought of the day, but I loved this cartoon SO MUCH! From Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal, of course!

Link Sharing Time: Getting Started with HAES

Ragen Chastain from Dances with Fat gives us a brief intro to HAES in Transitioning from Dieting to Health at Every Size.

She says: "For those who choose HAES, our activities are chosen based on our prioritization of our health and the path that we choose to get there, and are focused around nurturing our bodies and increasing our odds for good health, rather than trying to make them a certain size or height/weight ratio."

HAES has been a large part of my ED recovery work for the past several years, or at least the core ideas of it. My exercise is still pretty erratic and I'm not healthy at my current size - yet - but I have been focusing mostly on my relationship with food so far. I don't binge any longer, but I still have high blood sugar (or insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome or whatever it's called this month). I still have to balance Intuitive Eating with the restrictions that are necessary for diabetes. It's kind of tough to separate yourself from the diet mentality when, essentially, you still have to diet. But, like everything else it's a process, and I'm working on it. My weight has stabilized; I haven't lost any weight, but I haven't continued to gain it either. I'm starting to learn how to care for myself with physical movement, learn how to exercise without punishing myself, without hurting myself. Maybe I'll lose some weight now; maybe I won't - either way, I'll be proud of myself for being able to run (a little) where I couldn't before, being able to climb stairs and ladders and still be able to breathe, and being able to hold my balance, move gracefully, be comfortable in the body I have NOW.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thought of the Day: 12/11/2014

On Facebook I've been posting little "Thought of the Day" posts. I just find these things that speak to me in the morning and go back to it a number of times during the day to remember something good.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thought of the Day: 12/10/2014

On Facebook I've been posting little "Thought of the Day" posts. I've done several days worth now, and I thought I'd also start them here on the blog as a way to post more frequently. I just find these things that speak to me in the morning and go back to it a number of times during the day to remember something good.

"You’ve been busy trying to satisfy everyone else’s expectations. Way too many people are living a life that’s not theirs to live. They live their lives according to what others think is best for them… they live their lives according to what their parents think is best for them… to what their friends, their enemies, their teachers, their government and the media think is best for them. They ignore their inner voice and intuition. They are so busy pleasing everyone else, with living up to other people’s expectations, that they lose control over their lives. They forget what makes them happy, what they want, what they need… and eventually they forget about themselves altogether. You have one life – this one right now. You must live it, own it, and above all, NOT let other people’s opinions distract you from your truth."

Source: Marc and Angel Hack Life

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Thought of The Day: Catching Up

On Facebook I've been posting little "Thought of the Day" posts. I've done several days worth now, and I thought I'd also start them here on the blog as a way to post more frequently. The past couple of days have been images for some reason. I just find these things that speak to me in the morning and go back to it a number of times during the day to remember something good.

Yesterday, 12/8/2014.

And today's, 12/9/2014.

Keep Calm and Sew on

I had a thought while sewing yesterday. A few thoughts.

I think I'm drawn to sewing (and crafting in general) because there are neat, straight lines. It's quite tidy when things are done correctly. The neat perfection seems to give me a feeling of order...and safety.

Perfection = Order = Safety


Follow up thoughts: My sewing is rarely neat and never perfect (except for those button holes on the Thanksgiving baby dress, squeeeee!); therefore, I also get to learn that imperfect things are still beautiful and valuable.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Things That Make Me Inordinately Happy in Comparison to Effort Expended, In No Particular Order (2014)

I did this kind of list once before, in time for New Year 2013. This isn't a New Year's Day list, and I don't make resolutions, exactly, but I want to bring more focus on joy and fulfillment toward the end of this year. Therefore, in no particular order, here is a list of things that make me ridiculously happy.

  •  When my little kitteh, D, snuggles up on my shoulder and snurrs (snoring/purring)

  • Also when she finds stinky shoes or workout clothes and wallows in them in complete unfettered joy

  • When a song comes on that I once loved but haven't heard in a decade or two

  • Checking things off a list; I am so bad that I will add stuff I've already done to a list just so that I can mark them off

  • Getting a zit to pop, even though I know I'm not supposed to do that

  • When the kittehs sleep on their backs and leave those fuzzy tummies exposed

  • Colorful veggies all washed and chopped and ready for snacking

  • Getting cold enough to actually enjoy wearing a sweater

  • Hearing my beloved's voice from another room

  • Bad puns

  • Making B laugh

I'm certain there's more, but you get the idea. For a change I want to look for good things instead of only looking for the bad things, because if that's all you look for, that's all you will ever see.